The Gift that Gives Back

Buy a gift certificate

Treat your loved ones — or yourself — and give back to ACT Theatre at the same time. An ACT Gift Certificate is the perfect gift.

ACT Theatre Gift Certificates have no expiration date. Feel confident in these uncertain times that you will be able to see a show on ACT’s stage just as soon as we re-open. This gives you the ultimate in flexibility. Plus, you’ll help support our industry and ACT Theatre right now when we need it most. And, you’ll have something wonderful to look forward to once we all re-emerge from the current prohibitions on gatherings.

ACT is nothing without our audience. We rely on you and we know you rely on us to bring you the world-class performances you’ve come to expect from ACT.

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ACT Theatre is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. You can be assured that every dollar you spend with us supports our theatre now and in the future. Thank you.